
Addressing Rising Costs and Reducing the Tax Burden

As a husband and father, I understand how rising costs are
hurting Wisconsin families. Groceries, gas prices, household
items, energy costs…inflation hurts us all. That’s why I will fight to continue reducing the tax burden on the middle class, retirees, and those with kids in childcare. We must make sure you are able to keep more of your hard-earned money and stop destructive efforts to raise your taxes.

Keeping Oshkosh Safe

We must make sure our streets are safe for our kids and families. Unfortunately, soft-on-crime policies have left the door open for criminals and weak policies at the southern border have resulted in a rise in human trafficking and drug abuse here at home. As your representative in the Assembly, I will work to strengthen our laws to hold criminals accountable, keep violent offenders off our streets, support law enforcement, and defend our southern border.

Empowering Parents and Putting Kids First

Ensuring kids have the opportunity for a great education is a top priority. That’s why I support reforms to give parents more information, transparency, and options when it comes to their child’s education. I also support efforts to ensure our schools are able to provide our students a quality education and expand access to great schools for students across Wisconsin. I will always push for policies that truly put our kids first.