A Common Sense Candidate for Common Sense People

WFRV Tom Zalaski ‘Newsmaker Sunday’ Interview with Tim

“When I went overseas to protect us in the war on terrorism, that was to protect the entire country, our entire state, not just people that are like me, not just people that believe the same thing as I do. Serving in the Assembly in my mind would be the same thing. I am doing that to serve everybody in the district. I feel that no matter who you are, your voice should be heard. And I don’t know if there is anybody that I would trust more to stand up for your rights than a proven and tried combat veteran. Please vote for me on November 5th.” – Tim Paterson

WTAQ Interview

Brief interview of Tim prior to his appearance on the ‘The Regular Joe Show’ on WTAQ. Listen to Tim talk about his why he is running for your Assembly Representative.

“…a Blackhawk pilot, served overseas in Kuwait… Tim Paterson, he’s the guy for the 54th Assembly District.” – Joe Giganti

Full Interview With Tim On ‘The Regular Joe’ Show

Listen to the full ‘Regular Joe’ Interview with Tim hosted by Joe Giganti. Learn about how Tim rose from helicopter mechanic to become a Blackhawk Pilot / Lieutenant Colonel and how his 33 year military career that included leading soldiers, training officers, and 2 overseas deployments make him uniquely qualified to be your Assembly Representative. Integrity, clarity of mission, and collaboration with all ideologies in his military and subsequent civilian work – Tim has a plan to apply common sense solutions to address the issues people are facing in the greater Oshkosh area.

Corn Roast and Town Hall

Listen to Tim speak about his experience as a resident of Oshkosh and member of the Armed Forces. His presence in the community is greatly needed as the District 54 Representative. Tim possesses leadership qualities to fight on your behalf to correct the social injustices that are taking place right here in our own backyard. His commitment to God, Family, Community and Country is echoed in his words and actions.

“I am honored to be running for your Representative and asking for your trust. I am ready to act and apply common sense solutions to address the difficult issues that we are all now facing.” – Tim Paterson